Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Arrived Spain for Master in Cognitive Science and Language organization

Course was suppose to start on 7th of Jan but VISA was not ready course was postponed to 21st Jan 2014.
"At Madrid flight was 4 hour late. A bus dropped to Bus stand for 1.2 Euro. One fellow helped me to ticket counter, there was no bus till 7pm but got one bus at 4.50pm to go to south of Spain San Sebastian. One person helped and went.
At midnight a fellow standing to take me to hostel. Found a Billal from Moracco who is senior for the same course and promised to help me accommodation. It was for 230 Euro, there is an old Church on the back. Room is in third floor.
First class they told about how it is different from other course and how scientists are immature. Knowledge is send by nature.
People are same like India. Jesus is calling me in the old Church.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lord Ganesh Guiding

Ranala is being guided by Lord Ganesh these days. HE says there is NO brain it is just a lump of fat tissue which is activated by consciousness as Akash tatwa from out side. Knowledge is out side brain it comes as serial processing not parallel as people think. How this knowledge or consciousness interact with Human being is a question.
Ranala is asked to go to Spain for research on this topic. There is a professor in Spain interested in Indian philosophy. He is going to join there by mid Jan 2014. I was asked to sponsor him for the project.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Diwali updates 2012

On Diwali saw Kali ma in furious form, predicted devastation very soon . She we as showing me also Ranala could not understand meaning. I was doing Kali pooja since 8the Nov. Yamraj came and scolded him for interfering natural process . May be saving life of sister and accident. Lord Shiv and Babaji are always with him . Babaji wanted him to get all spiritual experience . Fractured joint is healing by Dhanvantri.  Doctors are surprised with healing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

An accident..

On my last visit to Hyderabad came to know about motorcycle accident of Ranala breaking and dislocating his right tibia at ankle, he was admitted at Secunderabad Apollo. A dog died during accident, Ranala says probably have saved his sister.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What is Kalaki Bhagvan?

Ranala is quite excited these days, he is getting instruction to go to different temples. Tirupati, Sabrimalai, Puri. When he was in Sabarimalai he got teaching from Ayappa Swami about Kalaki. Kalaki is Ayappa who is combination of Shiva (laya) and Vishnu (Sristi). We all are Kalki representative. Our job is to establish Dharma by Karma and not by teaching and preaching. It is a slow transformation from one to other Yug. Not physical but mental change of thoughts and philosophy. This is our last birth.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Basara visit on 15th Jan 2011

Morning Ranala went to Basara on taxi, they planned to go to Kirandul on the way but met with an accident and they had to go directly to Basara.
At Basara after taking bath in Godavari, he was asked to remove mala. They had darshan and stayed back there. next morning at 5 am he went to a a cave of Vyas muni and meditated. He was taken to light and told about the eternity of the world.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Meditate on 14th 2011

Ranala came yesterday and told me to do Ayappa puja today. He did not tell me the timeand how to perform.
I wanted to do in the morning but he came in the morning and told that I have to do at 6pm when the golden temple open at Sabrimalai.
He brought Zamzam water for my mother and Mahayagya vibhuti to be applied to her forehead. This is to prepare her for her transmigration. He also told me to apply it at 3am 15th Jan.
He had a vivid dream in the morning when he saw himself running and there was wave of water following him, a hand came and picked him up, the water washed everything, then hand dropped him and told now your job starts.
He also told to prepare Pulihara and Naivaidum. Vishal also fasted with me and we did puja at 6pm. I saw few small footprint on the sky going up.
Ranala came and told how was his meditation, he was taken up into sky where Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu were there, lots of bell ringing. He was told there is no difference between Jeevatma and Parmatma.
Morning he was planning to go to Basara on 15th, when he reached hostel, he got an invitation call to visit Basara. He will be going with three other friends by bus to Nirmal and then by car.